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11 really nice things you can do for yourself this January

Self care is the best care.

AFTER THE DELIGHTS of the Christmas season, January can seem like a bit of a downer. Why not take the time to indulge in a bit of self-care?

1. Revisit some of your old favourites

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Those Harry Potter books are begging to be enjoyed anew.

2. Organise a spot of good clean fun for you and a few mates

Take a break from the pub and get a gang together for a cinema night (with chips after, of course) or throw a board game evening with plenty of nibbles. Cosy!

3. Get into a funny podcast

Tweet by @My Dad Wrote A Porno Source: My Dad Wrote A Porno/Twitter

So what if you laugh out loud on the bus and everyone looks at you. It’s the best medicine! My Dad Wrote A Porno is a great start (you can guess what it’s about) but there are some great recommendations here.

4. Be a tourist in your own village/town/city

You’ve been living there for years and you haven’t even seen the half of it, we’ll bet. Take the walk, visit the museum, explore the landmarks.

5. Marie Kondo the sh*t out of your stuff

If you feel like clearing a bit of space both physically and mentally, turn to Japanese ‘organising consultant’ (yeah, we know) Marie Kondo.

She’s written a whole book about her method but at the heart of it, it’s quite simple. Ask yourself: “Does this item spark joy?” If it does, keep it. If it doesn’t, get rid of it.

6. And in that spirit, wear what makes you happy

Please don’t save that amazing dress for ‘good’, or avoid wearing something you love until that vague, far-off day when you have Michelle Obama’s biceps. SEQUINS FOR BREAKFAST. LOUDLY-PATTERNED SHIRTS FOR TEA.

7. Opt out of the New Year diet chat

It’ll be quite hard to avoid for the next few weeks. That doesn’t mean you have to listen to Bernard from Marketing weakly enthuse about green juice, though.

8. Clear your Facebook/Twitter/Instagram of people who are making you unhappy

Unfollow-Button Source: BlogSpot

The theatre of social media can get overwhelming. If someone’s posts are making you feel bad about yourself, it’s OK to mute or unfollow as you see fit.

Some great voices cutting through the social media bullsh*t include chef Ruby Tandoh and plus size fashion blogger Bethany Rutter.

9. Make a big batch of your favourite comforting recipes

Doesn’t have to be fancy. Sometimes just knowing there will be warm, spicy chilli (or whatever you fancy) waiting for you when you get home is all it takes to turn a bad day into a good one.

10. Call your mam, your dad, your granny, your favourite auntie

onthephone Source: Karolina GrabowskaSTAFFAGE

Whoever you like. They’d be delighted to hear from you.

11. And allow yourself the time to do sweet f- all

Sometimes the nicest thing you can do for yourself is to get home, change into your comfiest clothes, and take to the bed with Netflix and a cup of tea. Go ahead.

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